Distance Socially | Dine Locally

Katy Responds COVID-19 Update

Fort Bend County has followed Harris County in ordering all restaurants and other establishments that serve food be limited to takeout, delivery and drive-thru options effective today.  This order is in effective until at least March 31.

Distance socially, dine locally!

Please continue to support these establishments.  Call your favorite restaurant and place a to-go order.  Drive-thru’s are still open, and many, like Chick-fil-a, have perfected the flow to reduce wait time.  Remember to be patient.  A smile goes a long way as we are all figuring out our temporary new schedules and work routines.

The City of Katy and surrounding areas have also limited or closed many of their city and county buildings and playgrounds.  Walking trails are still open, but please keep your distance.

Currently, per CDC guidelines, all gathering should be limited to no more than 10 people with reasonable proximity.

The best way to continue to spread hope faster than COVID-19 is to know that decisions are being made for the health and well being of our entire community. While we all may feel a bit stir crazy we are navigating together through time unparalleled for over a century. This unprecedented time calls for unprecedented calls to action in a global world more closely connected than we often realize. Updated information will become available as we are notified.

Everyone has a role to play.  Together we are Katy strong!


Fort Bend Updates:  https://www.fbchealth.org/orders-impacting-restaurants-other-establishments-and-extending-disaster-declaration-by-the-county-judge-of-fort-bend-county/

Harris County:  https://www.readyharris.org/Newsroom/News-Releases/All-News-Releases/news-release-harris-county-judge-covid-19-regulations

CDC updates: www.cdc.gov

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